
Last update 4 years 7 months by 19etweinstock
FilesEAGLE Board DesignsExternal BoardsCharger Control BoardCAMOutputsAssembly
Partlist exported from /Users/arvindsrinivasan/Documents/EAGLE/projects/HyTech Racing PCBs/Board Designs/External Boards/Charger Control Board/chargerboardrev2.sch at 8/23/19 03:13 Qty Value Device Package Parts Description MF MPN OC_FARNELL OC_NEWARK 1 DIODE_ZENER SOT23 ZENER ZENER DIODE 1 DMG3406LSOT SOT23 Q1 Generic NPN MOSFET 1 .1uF CAP0805 0805 C2 Capacitor 1 10k RESISTOR0805-RES 0805 R4 Resistor 2 10uF CAP0805 0805 C3, C4 Capacitor 1 1uF CAP0805 0805 C1 Capacitor 1 200 RESISTOR0805-RES 0805 R5 Resistor 1 360 RESISTOR0805-RES 0805 R6 Resistor 1 4.7nF CAP0805 0805 C5 Capacitor 1 40k RESISTOR0805-RES 0805 R3 Resistor 1 5V OKI-78SR-5 OKI-78SR REG Murata OKI-78SR 5V 1.5A Non-Isolated Switching Regulator DC/DC - Datasheet 2 60 RESISTOR0805-RES 0805 R1, R2 Resistor 1 68 RESISTOR0805-RES 0805 R7 Resistor 1 CDSOT23-T24CAN-Q CDSOT23-T24CAN-Q SOT23 U$13 CAN Bus dual TVS array for transceiver ESD and surge protection 1 CPC1002N CPC1002N SOP04 U$3 IXYS Solid State Relay .7A 1 Car Connector CONNECTOR-6NANO-FIT_VERTICAL-6 NANO-FIT_VERTICAL-6 X1 Mini-Fit Junior connector 6 pole 1 Charge Toggle CONNECTOR-2 MINIFIT_5566-2 X4 Mini-Fit Junior connector 2 pole 1822072 unknown 1 DIODE DIODE0805 0805_D DIODE DIODE 1 GREEN LED-0805 LED-805 POWER Light Emitting Diode (LED) 1 M02_SLIM M02_SLIM 1X02_SLIM CAN_TERM_JMP Standard 2-pin 0.1" header. 1 MCP2551 MCP2551 SOIC-08 CAN_TRANSCEIVER MCP2551 High-Speed CAN Transceiver 1 Powerswitch Tail CONNECTOR-2 MINIFIT_5566-2 X3 Mini-Fit Junior connector 2 pole 1822072 unknown 1 RED LED-0805 LED-805 STATUS Light Emitting Diode (LED) 1 Shutdown Button CONNECTOR-2 MINIFIT_5566-2 X2 Mini-Fit Junior connector 2 pole 1822072 unknown 1 TEENSY_3.2_SIMPLE TEENSY_3.2_SIMPLE TEENSY_3.2_SIMPLE U$4 Simple version of the Teensy 3.2 board that only uses the 2 main rows of pins, not the inner pins or the pins opposite the usb port.
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