manufacturing / PCB / Shield / shield.brd
manufacturing / PCB / Shield / shield.sch
manufacturing / PCB / Shield / shield_bigfpga.brd
manufacturing / PCB / Shield / shield_bigfpga.sch
manufacturing / PCB / TransducerBoard / bigTransBrd.brd
manufacturing / PCB / TransducerBoard / bigTransBrd.sch
manufacturing / PCB / TransducerBoard / smallTransBrd.brd
manufacturing / PCB / TransducerBoard / smallTransBrd.sch
Last update 6 years 4 months
FilesMATLAB optimizationghostTouch | |
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pressurePoints.m | |
pressurePoints_16mm.m |
pressurePoints.mfunction phases10 = pressurePoints(x,y,z,pressures,initialPhases) % PRESSUREPOINTS Calculates phase delays that generate acoustic pressure at % specified points % phases = pressurePoints(x,y,z,pressures,initialPhases) Returns the % computed phases. x,y,z, and pressure must be column vectors of the % same length. It is possible to specify initial phases for the % optimization algorithm. %% Preparation %%% number of points numPP = numel(x); %%% reshape to column vectors x = reshape(x,numPP,1); y = reshape(y,numPP,1); z = reshape(z,numPP,1); pressures = reshape(pressures,numPP,1); %%% transducers' constant [Pa.m] P0=5; %%% transducers' diameter r = 0.005; %%% emitted frequency f = 40000; w = 2*pi*f; %%% sound velocity in the carrier fluid (air) c0 = 343; k = w/c0; % transducers' coordinates trans = linspace(-r*7,r*7,8); [tx,ty] = meshgrid(trans,trans); tx = reshape(tx,[64,1]); ty = reshape(ty,[64,1]); %%% pre-calculating pressure intensities (zero phase delays) M = complex(zeros(64,numPP),zeros(64,numPP)); for idx = 1:numPP M(:,idx) = p(P0,k,r,tx,ty,[x(idx) y(idx) z(idx)]); end %%% objective function oFunc = @(phases) optPress(phases,M,pressures); %% optimization gradTolerance = 0.5; displayIter = false; phases10 = BFGSsolve(oFunc,initialPhases,gradTolerance,displayIter); end function [o,g] = optPress(phases, M, reqPress) % OPTPRESS Calculates objective function and its gradient complExp = exp(1j*phases); numPP = numel(reqPress); P = M .* repmat(complExp,1,numPP); sumP = sum(P); absSumP = abs(sumP); o = (absSumP-reqPress')*(absSumP'-reqPress); g = sum(repmat((absSumP-reqPress')./absSumP,64,1).*2.*(real(P).*repmat(imag(sumP),64,1) - imag(P).*repmat(real(sumP),64,1)), 2); end