Update BOM
by abadoil 7 years 4 months
Replace device name on D2 and C3, C7, C19
by abadoil 7 years 9 months
Generate MDP
by abadoil 7 years 9 months
Place name and value correctly on the board
by abadoil 7 years 9 months
Update libraries and minor tweaks (keepouts)
by Benoit Rapidel 7 years 9 months
Modified the board according to the review
by abadoil 7 years 9 months
Replace J2 to femal connector and reroute the board, replace holes
by abadoil 7 years 9 months
Add the cotation, the board name, the logo and the CC
by abadoil 7 years 9 months
Connect GND meca of the connectors to the guard ring
by abadoil 7 years 9 months
Add via to the guard ring
by abadoil 7 years 9 months
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