Adjustments for Website Preload
by jrickard 10 years 5 months
Additional work on FaultHandler. Still not ready for use.
by Collin Kidder 10 years 5 months
Add bounds checking to PrefHandler and also make it report whether read/write operations succeeded.
by Collin Kidder 10 years 5 months
Updated the readme. It was really out of date.
by Collin Kidder 10 years 5 months
Wireless Channel and Security Added wireless initialization WSEC to select WPA2-AES as wireless security IF used. Added SECURITY command to set the WPA2 password and turn security on. SECURITY=password Added CHANNEL command to allow you to change the wireless channel used to avoid interference from other local broadcasts. CHANNEL=7
by jrickard 10 years 5 months
Merge branch 'WIP' of into WIP
by Collin Kidder 10 years 5 months
First baby steps toward a working fault handler - Check in an initial list of faults that could happen.
by Collin Kidder 10 years 5 months
Merge branch 'WIP' of into WIP Conflicts: util/MultiSerial/MultiSerial.ino
by Collin Kidder 10 years 5 months
Added CANCEL to loopcount Once Serial Console has forced ICHIP to load parameters, it sets a CANCEL bool to discontinue the count.
by jrickard 10 years 5 months
New Wireless Commands and Initialization 1. Changed GEVCU.ino where initialization of WiReach chip only occurs if EEPROM init is run. 2. Solved the longsuffering ongoing problem of ICHIP not loading parameters when the program first comes up. Added a loopcount variable to Serial Console. At loopcount == 10,000 it forces ICHIP to load parameters. The website now comes up wiht all parameters loaded - every time. 3. Added WIREACH command. WIREACH=anycommand will send At+ianycommand to the wireless device. 4. Added SSID command. SSID=whatevername will set the SSID of the wireless device to “whatevername”. Active immediately. 5. Added IP command. IP= will change the current IP number to - active immediately. 6. Added PWD command. PWD=secret will change the password of the GEVCU configuration pages to “secret”. The WIREACH command allows you to send any command, so the remainder are to some degree redundant. But they are quick and somewhat intuitive.
by jrickard 10 years 5 months
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