

sim800l can be connected to an Arduino in order to transmit data on GPRS.

The library 'TinyGSMClient' seems really good and works with LilyPad USB.

We need to take care about the sim card so that the cutted edge point towards outside of the holder !!!!

We should provide power between 3.4 and 4.4v. LiPo battery is of course optimal. Here is the description of the connection between a master-simple and the sim800l.

sim800l seems not to provide HTTPS.

We have created a simple test link: <![CDATA[]]><![CDATA[]]> that allows to check the connection.

We still need to create a webservice to add data in the database and we didn't try yet MQTT.

testing sim800l

  • AT
  • AT+CMEE=2 : Enable long debug
  • AT+CFUN=1 : Enable full functionality
  • AT+CFUN? : check CFUN
  • AT+CPIN? : Connect without pin code
  • AT+CSTT="sunrise","","" : connect to APN
  • AT+CIICR : start wireless connection
  • AT+COPS=? : List available networks
  • AT+CIFSR : get IP address


  • AT+COPS? : List connected network

Get coordinates and date

AT+CGATT =1 // to attach GPRS. AT+SAPBR =3,1,”CONTYPE”,”GPRS” //activate bearer profile. AT+SAPBR =3,1,”APN”,”RCMNET” AT+SAPBR=1,1 AT+SAPBR=2,1 AT+CIPGSMLOC=1,1 //to get gsm location, time and date. AT+CIPGSMLOC=2,1 //to get gsm time and date AT+SAPBR =0,1 //to deactivate bearer profile.

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