(kicad_sch (version 20211123) (generator eeschema)

  (uuid 80c0e8e3-47f8-4656-bee2-070c97de435e)

  (paper "A4")

    (symbol "Connector:Barrel_Jack" (pin_names (offset 1.016)) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
      (property "Reference" "J" (id 0) (at 0 5.334 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
      (property "Value" "Barrel_Jack" (id 1) (at 0 -5.08 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
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        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "Datasheet" "~" (id 3) (at 1.27 -1.016 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_keywords" "DC power barrel jack connector" (id 4) (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_description" "DC Barrel Jack" (id 5) (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_fp_filters" "BarrelJack*" (id 6) (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (symbol "Barrel_Jack_0_1"
        (rectangle (start -5.08 3.81) (end 5.08 -3.81)
          (stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
          (fill (type background))
        (arc (start -3.302 3.175) (mid -3.937 2.54) (end -3.302 1.905)
          (stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
          (fill (type none))
        (arc (start -3.302 3.175) (mid -3.937 2.54) (end -3.302 1.905)
          (stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
          (fill (type outline))
            (xy 5.08 2.54)
            (xy 3.81 2.54)
          (stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
          (fill (type none))
            (xy -3.81 -2.54)
            (xy -2.54 -2.54)
            (xy -1.27 -1.27)
            (xy 0 -2.54)
            (xy 2.54 -2.54)
            (xy 5.08 -2.54)
          (stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
          (fill (type none))
        (rectangle (start 3.683 3.175) (end -3.302 1.905)
          (stroke (width 0.254) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
          (fill (type outline))
      (symbol "Barrel_Jack_1_1"
        (pin passive line (at 7.62 2.54 180) (length 2.54)
          (name "~" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
        (pin passive line (at 7.62 -2.54 180) (length 2.54)
          (name "~" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
    (symbol "Connector:TestPoint" (pin_numbers hide) (pin_names (offset 0.762) hide) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
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        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
      (property "Value" "TestPoint" (id 1) (at 0 5.08 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
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        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "Datasheet" "~" (id 3) (at 5.08 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_description" "test point" (id 5) (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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        (circle (center 0 3.302) (radius 0.762)
          (stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
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    (symbol "power:GND" (power) (pin_names (offset 0)) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
      (property "Reference" "#PWR" (id 0) (at 0 -6.35 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "Value" "GND" (id 1) (at 0 -3.81 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
      (property "Footprint" "" (id 2) (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "Datasheet" "" (id 3) (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_keywords" "power-flag" (id 4) (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_description" "Power symbol creates a global label with name \"GND\" , ground" (id 5) (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (symbol "GND_0_1"
            (xy 0 0)
            (xy 0 -1.27)
            (xy 1.27 -1.27)
            (xy 0 -2.54)
            (xy -1.27 -1.27)
            (xy 0 -1.27)
          (stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
          (fill (type none))
      (symbol "GND_1_1"
        (pin power_in line (at 0 0 270) (length 0) hide
          (name "GND" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
    (symbol "power:VCC" (power) (pin_names (offset 0)) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
      (property "Reference" "#PWR" (id 0) (at 0 -3.81 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "Value" "VCC" (id 1) (at 0 3.81 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
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        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "Datasheet" "" (id 3) (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_keywords" "power-flag" (id 4) (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_description" "Power symbol creates a global label with name \"VCC\"" (id 5) (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (symbol "VCC_0_1"
            (xy -0.762 1.27)
            (xy 0 2.54)
          (stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
          (fill (type none))
            (xy 0 0)
            (xy 0 2.54)
          (stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
          (fill (type none))
            (xy 0 2.54)
            (xy 0.762 1.27)
          (stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
          (fill (type none))
      (symbol "VCC_1_1"
        (pin power_in line (at 0 0 90) (length 0) hide
          (name "VCC" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))

<<<<<<< Updated upstream
<<<<<<< Updated upstream

>>>>>>> Stashed changes

>>>>>>> Stashed changes
  (junction (at 194.31 67.31) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
    (uuid a4d54e6d-8b41-4ff5-9b61-8ccc225468ac)

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    (stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
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  (wire (pts (xy 210.82 33.02) (xy 210.82 36.83))
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  (wire (pts (xy 201.93 33.02) (xy 201.93 36.83))
    (stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
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  (wire (pts (xy 62.23 85.09) (xy 64.77 85.09))
    (stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
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  (wire (pts (xy 189.23 33.02) (xy 189.23 36.83))
    (stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
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  (wire (pts (xy 24.13 129.54) (xy 30.48 129.54))
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  (wire (pts (xy 184.15 67.31) (xy 194.31 67.31))
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  (wire (pts (xy 44.45 41.91) (xy 44.45 46.99))
    (stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
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  (wire (pts (xy 215.9 73.66) (xy 187.96 73.66))
    (stroke (width 0) (type default) (color 0 0 0 0))
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  (wire (pts (xy 25.4 36.83) (xy 31.75 36.83))
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  (wire (pts (xy 223.52 33.02) (xy 223.52 36.83))
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  (label "5V" (at 201.93 36.83 0)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
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  (label "Gnd" (at 210.82 36.83 0)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid 6e29d43c-aa55-4f1f-b2a5-b41fd1d141a6)
  (label "3.3V" (at 223.52 36.83 0)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
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  (label "12V" (at 189.23 36.83 0)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid d67d1338-82db-456d-bb05-fd28cd71b6bc)

  (hierarchical_label "5V" (shape output) (at 64.77 85.09 0)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
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  (hierarchical_label "GND" (shape bidirectional) (at 215.9 73.66 0)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
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  (hierarchical_label "12V" (shape output) (at 215.9 66.04 0)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
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  (symbol (lib_id "power:VCC") (at 194.31 64.77 0) (unit 1)
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  (symbol (lib_id "power:VCC") (at 25.4 36.83 90) (unit 1)
    (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (fields_autoplaced)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right))
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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  (symbol (lib_id "power:VCC") (at 24.13 129.54 90) (unit 1)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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  (symbol (lib_id "Connector:TestPoint") (at 223.52 33.02 0) (unit 1)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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  (symbol (lib_id "power:GND") (at 44.45 46.99 0) (unit 1)
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  (symbol (lib_id "Connector:TestPoint") (at 201.93 33.02 0) (unit 1)
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