(kicad_sch (version 20230121) (generator eeschema)

  (uuid 214417f2-547d-4858-b1f1-83b25bd2ba1b)

  (paper "A4")

    (symbol "Connector:TestPoint" (pin_numbers hide) (pin_names (offset 0.762) hide) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
      (property "Reference" "TP" (at 0 6.858 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
      (property "Value" "TestPoint" (at 0 5.08 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
      (property "Footprint" "" (at 5.08 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "Datasheet" "~" (at 5.08 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_keywords" "test point tp" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_description" "test point" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_fp_filters" "Pin* Test*" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (symbol "TestPoint_0_1"
        (circle (center 0 3.302) (radius 0.762)
          (stroke (width 0) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
      (symbol "TestPoint_1_1"
        (pin passive line (at 0 0 90) (length 2.54)
          (name "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
    (symbol "Connector_Generic:Conn_01x04" (pin_names (offset 1.016) hide) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
      (property "Reference" "J" (at 0 5.08 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
      (property "Value" "Conn_01x04" (at 0 -7.62 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
      (property "Footprint" "" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "Datasheet" "~" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_keywords" "connector" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_description" "Generic connector, single row, 01x04, script generated (kicad-library-utils/schlib/autogen/connector/)" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_fp_filters" "Connector*:*_1x??_*" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (symbol "Conn_01x04_1_1"
        (rectangle (start -1.27 -4.953) (end 0 -5.207)
          (stroke (width 0.1524) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
        (rectangle (start -1.27 -2.413) (end 0 -2.667)
          (stroke (width 0.1524) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
        (rectangle (start -1.27 0.127) (end 0 -0.127)
          (stroke (width 0.1524) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
        (rectangle (start -1.27 2.667) (end 0 2.413)
          (stroke (width 0.1524) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
        (rectangle (start -1.27 3.81) (end 1.27 -6.35)
          (stroke (width 0.254) (type default))
          (fill (type background))
        (pin passive line (at -5.08 2.54 0) (length 3.81)
          (name "Pin_1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
        (pin passive line (at -5.08 0 0) (length 3.81)
          (name "Pin_2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
        (pin passive line (at -5.08 -2.54 0) (length 3.81)
          (name "Pin_3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
        (pin passive line (at -5.08 -5.08 0) (length 3.81)
          (name "Pin_4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
    (symbol "Connector_Generic:Conn_01x08" (pin_names (offset 1.016) hide) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
      (property "Reference" "J" (at 0 10.16 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
      (property "Value" "Conn_01x08" (at 0 -12.7 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
      (property "Footprint" "" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "Datasheet" "~" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_keywords" "connector" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_description" "Generic connector, single row, 01x08, script generated (kicad-library-utils/schlib/autogen/connector/)" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_fp_filters" "Connector*:*_1x??_*" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (symbol "Conn_01x08_1_1"
        (rectangle (start -1.27 -10.033) (end 0 -10.287)
          (stroke (width 0.1524) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
        (rectangle (start -1.27 -7.493) (end 0 -7.747)
          (stroke (width 0.1524) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
        (rectangle (start -1.27 -4.953) (end 0 -5.207)
          (stroke (width 0.1524) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
        (rectangle (start -1.27 -2.413) (end 0 -2.667)
          (stroke (width 0.1524) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
        (rectangle (start -1.27 0.127) (end 0 -0.127)
          (stroke (width 0.1524) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
        (rectangle (start -1.27 2.667) (end 0 2.413)
          (stroke (width 0.1524) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
        (rectangle (start -1.27 5.207) (end 0 4.953)
          (stroke (width 0.1524) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
        (rectangle (start -1.27 7.747) (end 0 7.493)
          (stroke (width 0.1524) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
        (rectangle (start -1.27 8.89) (end 1.27 -11.43)
          (stroke (width 0.254) (type default))
          (fill (type background))
        (pin passive line (at -5.08 7.62 0) (length 3.81)
          (name "Pin_1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
        (pin passive line (at -5.08 5.08 0) (length 3.81)
          (name "Pin_2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
        (pin passive line (at -5.08 2.54 0) (length 3.81)
          (name "Pin_3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
        (pin passive line (at -5.08 0 0) (length 3.81)
          (name "Pin_4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
        (pin passive line (at -5.08 -2.54 0) (length 3.81)
          (name "Pin_5" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "5" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
        (pin passive line (at -5.08 -5.08 0) (length 3.81)
          (name "Pin_6" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "6" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
        (pin passive line (at -5.08 -7.62 0) (length 3.81)
          (name "Pin_7" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "7" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
        (pin passive line (at -5.08 -10.16 0) (length 3.81)
          (name "Pin_8" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "8" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
    (symbol "Connector_Generic:Conn_02x05_Odd_Even" (pin_names (offset 1.016) hide) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
      (property "Reference" "J" (at 1.27 7.62 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
      (property "Value" "Conn_02x05_Odd_Even" (at 1.27 -7.62 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
      (property "Footprint" "" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "Datasheet" "~" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_keywords" "connector" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_description" "Generic connector, double row, 02x05, odd/even pin numbering scheme (row 1 odd numbers, row 2 even numbers), script generated (kicad-library-utils/schlib/autogen/connector/)" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_fp_filters" "Connector*:*_2x??_*" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (symbol "Conn_02x05_Odd_Even_1_1"
        (rectangle (start -1.27 -4.953) (end 0 -5.207)
          (stroke (width 0.1524) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
        (rectangle (start -1.27 -2.413) (end 0 -2.667)
          (stroke (width 0.1524) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
        (rectangle (start -1.27 0.127) (end 0 -0.127)
          (stroke (width 0.1524) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
        (rectangle (start -1.27 2.667) (end 0 2.413)
          (stroke (width 0.1524) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
        (rectangle (start -1.27 5.207) (end 0 4.953)
          (stroke (width 0.1524) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
        (rectangle (start -1.27 6.35) (end 3.81 -6.35)
          (stroke (width 0.254) (type default))
          (fill (type background))
        (rectangle (start 3.81 -4.953) (end 2.54 -5.207)
          (stroke (width 0.1524) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
        (rectangle (start 3.81 -2.413) (end 2.54 -2.667)
          (stroke (width 0.1524) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
        (rectangle (start 3.81 0.127) (end 2.54 -0.127)
          (stroke (width 0.1524) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
        (rectangle (start 3.81 2.667) (end 2.54 2.413)
          (stroke (width 0.1524) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
        (rectangle (start 3.81 5.207) (end 2.54 4.953)
          (stroke (width 0.1524) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
        (pin passive line (at -5.08 5.08 0) (length 3.81)
          (name "Pin_1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
        (pin passive line (at 7.62 -5.08 180) (length 3.81)
          (name "Pin_10" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "10" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
        (pin passive line (at 7.62 5.08 180) (length 3.81)
          (name "Pin_2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
        (pin passive line (at -5.08 2.54 0) (length 3.81)
          (name "Pin_3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
        (pin passive line (at 7.62 2.54 180) (length 3.81)
          (name "Pin_4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
        (pin passive line (at -5.08 0 0) (length 3.81)
          (name "Pin_5" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "5" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
        (pin passive line (at 7.62 0 180) (length 3.81)
          (name "Pin_6" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "6" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
        (pin passive line (at -5.08 -2.54 0) (length 3.81)
          (name "Pin_7" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "7" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
        (pin passive line (at 7.62 -2.54 180) (length 3.81)
          (name "Pin_8" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "8" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
        (pin passive line (at -5.08 -5.08 0) (length 3.81)
          (name "Pin_9" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "9" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
    (symbol "Device:C_Small" (pin_numbers hide) (pin_names (offset 0.254) hide) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
      (property "Reference" "C" (at 0.254 1.778 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
      (property "Value" "C_Small" (at 0.254 -2.032 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
      (property "Footprint" "" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "Datasheet" "~" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_keywords" "capacitor cap" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_description" "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_fp_filters" "C_*" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (symbol "C_Small_0_1"
            (xy -1.524 -0.508)
            (xy 1.524 -0.508)
          (stroke (width 0.3302) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
            (xy -1.524 0.508)
            (xy 1.524 0.508)
          (stroke (width 0.3048) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
      (symbol "C_Small_1_1"
        (pin passive line (at 0 2.54 270) (length 2.032)
          (name "~" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
        (pin passive line (at 0 -2.54 90) (length 2.032)
          (name "~" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
    (symbol "Device:Crystal" (pin_numbers hide) (pin_names (offset 1.016) hide) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
      (property "Reference" "Y" (at 0 3.81 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
      (property "Value" "Crystal" (at 0 -3.81 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
      (property "Footprint" "" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "Datasheet" "~" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_keywords" "quartz ceramic resonator oscillator" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_description" "Two pin crystal" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_fp_filters" "Crystal*" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (symbol "Crystal_0_1"
        (rectangle (start -1.143 2.54) (end 1.143 -2.54)
          (stroke (width 0.3048) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
            (xy -2.54 0)
            (xy -1.905 0)
          (stroke (width 0) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
            (xy -1.905 -1.27)
            (xy -1.905 1.27)
          (stroke (width 0.508) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
            (xy 1.905 -1.27)
            (xy 1.905 1.27)
          (stroke (width 0.508) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
            (xy 2.54 0)
            (xy 1.905 0)
          (stroke (width 0) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
      (symbol "Crystal_1_1"
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          (name "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
        (pin passive line (at 3.81 0 180) (length 1.27)
          (name "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
    (symbol "Device:Crystal_GND24" (pin_names (offset 1.016) hide) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
      (property "Reference" "Y" (at 3.175 5.08 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
      (property "Value" "Crystal_GND24" (at 3.175 3.175 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
      (property "Footprint" "" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "Datasheet" "~" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_keywords" "quartz ceramic resonator oscillator" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_description" "Four pin crystal, GND on pins 2 and 4" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_fp_filters" "Crystal*" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (symbol "Crystal_GND24_0_1"
        (rectangle (start -1.143 2.54) (end 1.143 -2.54)
          (stroke (width 0.3048) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
            (xy -2.54 0)
            (xy -2.032 0)
          (stroke (width 0) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
            (xy -2.032 -1.27)
            (xy -2.032 1.27)
          (stroke (width 0.508) (type default))
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            (xy 0 -3.81)
            (xy 0 -3.556)
          (stroke (width 0) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
            (xy 0 3.556)
            (xy 0 3.81)
          (stroke (width 0) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
            (xy 2.032 -1.27)
            (xy 2.032 1.27)
          (stroke (width 0.508) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
            (xy 2.032 0)
            (xy 2.54 0)
          (stroke (width 0) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
            (xy -2.54 -2.286)
            (xy -2.54 -3.556)
            (xy 2.54 -3.556)
            (xy 2.54 -2.286)
          (stroke (width 0) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
            (xy -2.54 2.286)
            (xy -2.54 3.556)
            (xy 2.54 3.556)
            (xy 2.54 2.286)
          (stroke (width 0) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
      (symbol "Crystal_GND24_1_1"
        (pin passive line (at -3.81 0 0) (length 1.27)
          (name "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
        (pin passive line (at 0 5.08 270) (length 1.27)
          (name "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
        (pin passive line (at 3.81 0 180) (length 1.27)
          (name "3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
        (pin passive line (at 0 -5.08 90) (length 1.27)
          (name "4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
    (symbol "Device:R_Small" (pin_numbers hide) (pin_names (offset 0.254) hide) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
      (property "Reference" "R" (at 0.762 0.508 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
      (property "Value" "R_Small" (at 0.762 -1.016 0)
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      (property "Footprint" "" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "Datasheet" "~" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_keywords" "R resistor" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_description" "Resistor, small symbol" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_fp_filters" "R_*" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (symbol "R_Small_0_1"
        (rectangle (start -0.762 1.778) (end 0.762 -1.778)
          (stroke (width 0.2032) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
      (symbol "R_Small_1_1"
        (pin passive line (at 0 2.54 270) (length 0.762)
          (name "~" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
        (pin passive line (at 0 -2.54 90) (length 0.762)
          (name "~" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
          (number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
    (symbol "LED:APFA3010" (pin_names (offset 0) hide) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
      (property "Reference" "D" (at 0 10.16 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
      (property "Value" "APFA3010" (at 0 -10.16 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
      (property "Footprint" "LED_SMD:LED_Kingbright_APFA3010_3x1.5mm_Horizontal" (at 0 12.7 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "Datasheet" "http://www.kingbrightusa.com/images/catalog/SPEC/APFA3010LSEEZGKQBKC.pdf" (at 0 -11.43 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_keywords" "LED RGB SMD Kingbright APFA3010 Horizontal" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_description" "LED RGB, Common Anode, SMD, 3.0x1.5mm, Horizontal" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "ki_fp_filters" "*Kingbright*APFA3010*3x1.5mm*Horizontal*" (at 0 0 0)
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          (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
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          (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
      (symbol "APFA3010_0_1"
        (rectangle (start -2.54 -8.89) (end 2.54 8.89)
          (stroke (width 0.254) (type default))
          (fill (type background))
            (xy -2.54 -5.08)
            (xy 1.27 -5.08)
          (stroke (width 0) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
            (xy -1.27 -3.81)
            (xy -1.27 -6.35)
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          (fill (type none))
            (xy -1.27 1.27)
            (xy -1.27 -1.27)
          (stroke (width 0.254) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
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            (xy -1.27 3.81)
          (stroke (width 0.254) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
            (xy 1.27 5.08)
            (xy -2.54 5.08)
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            (xy -2.54 0)
          (stroke (width 0) (type default))
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            (xy 2.032 -5.08)
            (xy 2.032 5.08)
            (xy 1.27 5.08)
          (stroke (width 0) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
            (xy 1.27 -3.81)
            (xy 1.27 -6.35)
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        (effects (font (size 1.524 1.524)))
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        (effects (font (size 1.524 1.524)) hide)
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        (effects (font (size 1.524 1.524)))
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            (xy 68.58 -83.82)
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            (xy 68.58 -83.82)
            (xy 68.58 5.08)
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          (fill (type none))
            (xy 68.58 5.08)
            (xy 7.62 5.08)
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      (property "ki_description" "Push button switch, generic, separate symbols, four pins" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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          (stroke (width 0) (type default))
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            (xy 0 3.048)
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          (fill (type none))
        (circle (center 2.032 0) (radius 0.508)
          (stroke (width 0) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
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      (property "ki_description" "Power symbol creates a global label with name \"+3.3V\"" (at 0 0 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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            (xy -0.762 1.27)
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          (stroke (width 0) (type default))
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            (xy 0 2.54)
          (stroke (width 0) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
            (xy 0 2.54)
            (xy 0.762 1.27)
          (stroke (width 0) (type default))
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          (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
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      (property "Reference" "#PWR" (at 0 -3.81 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "Value" "+5V" (at 0 3.556 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
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      (property "ki_description" "Power symbol creates a global label with name \"+5V\"" (at 0 0 0)
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            (xy -0.762 1.27)
            (xy 0 2.54)
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            (xy 0 0)
            (xy 0 2.54)
          (stroke (width 0) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
            (xy 0 2.54)
            (xy 0.762 1.27)
          (stroke (width 0) (type default))
          (fill (type none))
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          (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
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      (property "Reference" "#PWR" (at 0 -6.35 0)
        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "Value" "GND" (at 0 -3.81 0)
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        (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
      (property "Datasheet" "" (at 0 0 0)
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            (xy 0 -1.27)
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  (junction (at 89.408 65.278) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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  (junction (at 235.458 72.898) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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  (junction (at 264.922 37.338) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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  (junction (at 259.334 80.518) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
    (uuid 38533b21-b317-439a-9f56-0992c18e560c)
  (junction (at 51.308 75.438) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
    (uuid 4056f68b-5281-4bfc-b735-0e6cf2340638)
  (junction (at 71.374 43.942) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
    (uuid 4926dd98-ba93-4902-9cfb-dbb4e1fd2634)
  (junction (at 96.139 144.018) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
    (uuid 4eeebc67-a307-4366-b135-05dab8dd9d30)
  (junction (at 120.65 100.838) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
    (uuid 55a5dfc8-c9f1-493b-a4e3-061c2768810c)
  (junction (at 43.18 168.91) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
    (uuid 5ca4ccb9-2918-4cbd-b8e0-4a79cdbdd394)
  (junction (at 218.948 32.258) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
    (uuid 61731d15-7151-4363-a826-38f6ce099fed)
  (junction (at 256.032 37.338) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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  (junction (at 99.568 44.958) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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  (junction (at 60.198 60.198) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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  (junction (at 110.998 100.838) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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  (junction (at 124.968 27.686) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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  (junction (at 232.918 100.838) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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  (junction (at 120.65 95.758) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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  (junction (at 49.276 57.658) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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  (junction (at 204.724 135.001) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
    (uuid 8a222968-0d64-474a-b231-6d9790065892)
  (junction (at 120.396 105.918) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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  (junction (at 235.458 67.818) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
    (uuid 93af354e-c880-41fb-a158-5b6ffac1f504)
  (junction (at 96.139 151.638) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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  (junction (at 89.408 70.358) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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  (junction (at 52.705 151.765) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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  (junction (at 134.62 100.838) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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  (junction (at 229.743 130.81) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
    (uuid bfef14d7-b7a2-4def-bb83-3eae704ba15e)
  (junction (at 120.396 110.998) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
    (uuid c88cddda-c928-41a1-8103-7d0f50abed2d)
  (junction (at 32.385 151.765) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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  (junction (at 70.866 62.738) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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  (junction (at 30.226 106.68) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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  (junction (at 124.968 22.606) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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  (junction (at 31.75 173.99) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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  (junction (at 218.948 26.416) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid 33b0bab1-6662-48ca-a42a-086fcfb9555c)
  (text "Revision Marker on PC0\nV1.0 has no pullup/pulldown on PC5\nV1.1 has 100k pullup on PC5\nV1.3 has 100K pullup & 10k Pulldown on PC0"
    (at 16.002 45.212 0)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid 5e79076f-986e-48e0-9357-f3780d65b74d)
  (text "Large resistor across\ncrystal for damping if\nnecessary"
    (at 27.94 137.795 0)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid 8cc9d7c4-39de-45e7-88fa-9d790303daa6)
  (text "Spare IO" (at 140.97 184.531 0)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid 9ded2ea4-9bba-411e-8f75-81d045881158)
  (text "Programming Header" (at 34.671 121.285 0)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid a7f6255b-4892-4bbe-8003-8143230a92b4)
  (text "Debug UART" (at 89.789 158.623 0)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid b8e20d06-0b4a-4002-a18f-76bf38a685dd)
  (text "Oscillators" (at 41.91 190.5 0)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid beefe82b-5e80-4931-93ce-74e7427223e7)
  (text "I2C expansion" (at 88.392 186.055 0)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid d566a258-0458-48ab-8ba7-198e9897ae37)
  (text "Note that this pinout matches cheap \nSTlinkV2 clones, not the real thing"
    (at 27.686 100.965 0)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid ed83998b-dcaa-4343-86aa-4cbd2087f095)

  (label "OSC24M_OUT" (at 123.19 42.418 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid 0fc5edfa-e48d-4273-afc7-f62c9b0ada15)
  (label "I2C_SCL" (at 227.203 148.59 90) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid 1187e645-4601-4d8d-861b-f4d720d257eb)
  (label "I2C_BB_SCL" (at 224.79 77.978 180) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right bottom))
    (uuid 2bb4ed46-19b2-4b6d-8b8f-0b54f11e178b)
  (label "I2C_SDA" (at 232.918 148.59 90) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid 2f32db62-6b4e-4905-82b3-f42a1731af26)
  (label "I2C_BB_SCL" (at 83.82 176.53 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid 326bdd44-e09b-4dee-8ecf-8082707400bd)
  (label "STM32_RX_OFF_BOARD" (at 179.324 143.891 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid 3315a10d-e0aa-4375-b839-99386f9a4370)
  (label "OSC32_IN" (at 124.46 34.798 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid 335efb89-187e-4002-b606-2aac4f2f8ac4)
  (label "RGB_G" (at 264.16 146.558 270) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right bottom))
    (uuid 336e7811-65d9-4e5c-958b-d02f396f11ae)
    (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 264.2394 155.0187 90)
      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left) hide)
  (label "RGB_G" (at 129.54 88.138 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid 3827eff5-613c-409e-a3c3-b9d99db6e651)
    (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 136.4292 88.138 0)
      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left) hide)
  (label "REVISION" (at 128.524 47.498 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid 3e1ad709-c6ba-471b-94fd-2dcfde40edd1)
  (label "FAN_TACH_SENSE" (at 102.87 75.438 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid 3f977c1d-11f8-4f73-8a97-16d81d8d8567)
  (label "I2C_BB_SDA" (at 83.82 173.99 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid 4487351c-2539-4c76-8637-1f2d2d9477cd)
  (label "SWTRACE" (at 29.591 109.22 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid 45f822ce-79dd-4524-9807-2773c63184b2)
  (label "STM32_TX_OFF_BOARD" (at 238.76 88.9 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid 468f050f-2997-42bd-81f0-2de75894c669)
  (label "PC3" (at 131.572 55.118 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid 4d84c5d8-37be-42dc-ba72-ea71a0cc687e)
  (label "PC13" (at 131.572 32.258 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid 5a7ae9b1-04b4-4594-a301-7b1d1a67a36d)
  (label "OSC32_OUT" (at 124.46 37.338 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid 5f8bbbbc-972a-4a2f-9b11-eb76522df342)
  (label "PB13" (at 133.604 172.466 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid 601d6056-1b6f-4951-8669-d76ece9f6bc8)
  (label "OSC24M_OUT" (at 61.595 179.705 180) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right bottom))
    (uuid 62a77509-c37b-4c84-97d9-bf3d232381d2)
  (label "STM32_TX_OFF_BOARD" (at 186.944 147.066 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid 6cb28954-e41f-4abb-8d75-e6399cc20c24)
  (label "RGB_B" (at 269.24 146.558 270) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right bottom))
    (uuid 6cc074b4-4297-4f75-8c8e-8db6f8260a45)
    (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 269.3194 155.0187 90)
      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left) hide)
  (label "LPUART1_RX" (at 124.968 103.378 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid 6eb0b908-d8c0-4488-86d4-09950668e150)
  (label "SWDIO" (at 60.071 109.22 180) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right bottom))
    (uuid 70038eaa-7b25-408b-9403-87420421df33)
    (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 53.3632 109.22 0)
      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right) hide)
  (label "NRST" (at 110.49 44.958 180) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right bottom))
    (uuid 73f59b27-5fe9-4b56-a45e-fc6240442c52)
    (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 103.2993 44.8786 0)
      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right) hide)
  (label "PB12" (at 218.948 105.918 180) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right bottom))
    (uuid 7b93f3dd-0779-4bab-a180-7e72574208e2)
  (label "RGB_B" (at 129.54 93.218 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid 7b9eeed5-46b9-4999-ad9e-338f12391d24)
    (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 136.4292 93.218 0)
      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left) hide)
  (label "PC3" (at 133.604 167.386 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid 7da837ca-d51d-4f3e-9781-559c9e44437c)
  (label "PC2" (at 131.572 52.578 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid 81c2b215-5cc6-47e6-924f-93e35ee058bc)
  (label "LPUART1_RX" (at 83.439 146.558 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid 81dceba3-8c54-4194-97fa-bb638ea068cd)
  (label "SWDIO" (at 219.71 67.818 180) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right bottom))
    (uuid 89f38dc6-565e-42c6-8af0-fda404a4b21d)
  (label "I2C_BB_SDA" (at 224.79 75.438 180) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right bottom))
    (uuid 93e2b20b-c2b1-4d53-ac2b-aad754a9fea4)
  (label "PB15" (at 133.604 175.006 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid 9523cac2-b3c7-4797-830f-4d0e917b19ba)
  (label "OSC24M_IN" (at 123.19 39.878 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid 99d33876-9c29-4883-b425-87b78b132e1b)
  (label "LPUART1_TX" (at 225.298 108.458 180) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right bottom))
    (uuid 9b0c5155-1d65-4b11-afc5-8a133590b338)
  (label "STM32_RX_OFF_BOARD" (at 236.982 78.74 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid a421000d-0cb7-4b92-bdf5-099b1e4fdec0)
  (label "PB15" (at 218.948 98.298 180) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right bottom))
    (uuid a5694ff8-f3ca-4005-aaa3-dd248ec46917)
  (label "RGB_R" (at 129.54 90.678 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid a5786778-e2dd-4afa-aced-d1590e8e736b)
    (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 136.4292 90.678 0)
      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left) hide)
  (label "SWCLK" (at 60.071 106.68 180) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right bottom))
    (uuid abea5fd8-7fa6-4143-bdc9-b7e1b12f6948)
    (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 53.0004 106.68 0)
      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right) hide)
  (label "SWTRACE" (at 221.996 50.038 180) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right bottom))
    (uuid b0234292-6b5a-4b6f-92b3-db47074e56e9)
  (label "OSC32_OUT" (at 52.705 140.97 270) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right bottom))
    (uuid b174e93a-4836-4ab1-b8a4-663e7ba9369f)
  (label "FAKE_FAN" (at 127.508 75.438 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid c17196e2-dbc5-4feb-a263-15d1ba2c8500)
  (label "LPUART1_TX" (at 83.439 149.098 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid c67930fd-f009-40ce-9cb3-281b818b2761)
  (label "REVISION" (at 81.026 43.942 180) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right bottom))
    (uuid c69856f7-057a-4226-8beb-de2b515a715b)
  (label "PC13" (at 133.604 162.306 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid c8b71154-53f7-48b2-a0ac-a3afd37a661a)
  (label "FLOW_SENSE" (at 239.268 50.038 180) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right bottom))
    (uuid d0a62ebb-f2e1-4f1d-8ae2-34eac299989e)
  (label "PB12" (at 133.604 169.926 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid d682efde-32e2-486c-9b86-8c0572e4177a)
  (label "SWCLK" (at 219.71 65.278 180) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right bottom))
    (uuid e50201f8-d018-4686-97fe-bacbcf608922)
    (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 211.0679 65.1986 0)
      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right) hide)
  (label "OSC24M_IN" (at 60.96 168.91 180) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right bottom))
    (uuid e7d46af3-fccd-4c65-9b77-5cc01dc33c77)
  (label "OSC32_IN" (at 32.385 140.97 270) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right bottom))
    (uuid ed32a522-4627-4756-9e2c-29d4e68a3e67)
  (label "PC2" (at 133.604 164.846 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
    (uuid ed96c53e-91ce-47d0-9084-b013e6c58e4a)
  (label "PB13" (at 218.948 103.378 180) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right bottom))
    (uuid edf2aea1-b6c9-4bd7-8da1-edd7cb6cbe25)
  (label "RGB_R" (at 259.08 146.558 270) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right bottom))
    (uuid f3a3f869-f638-4b77-a580-8f3b9c2307e1)
    (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 259.1594 155.0187 90)
      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left) hide)

  (hierarchical_label "VALVE_CTRL" (shape output) (at 239.268 39.878 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
    (uuid 0da1ca2f-52d0-4d52-98ee-c8dcdc437401)
  (hierarchical_label "PUMP_CTRL" (shape output) (at 102.362 80.518 180) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right))
    (uuid 2184aa3d-4e85-41c0-ab81-eeb44811243a)
  (hierarchical_label "STM32_BOOT" (shape input) (at 266.7 37.338 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
    (uuid 2468f2d7-811f-4964-8ab8-977ede1cafa2)
  (hierarchical_label "FAN_CTRL" (shape output) (at 102.362 77.978 180) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right))
    (uuid 2688b4ae-7e8d-4a82-93df-efba1d1df64c)
  (hierarchical_label "FAN_TACH_SENSE" (shape input) (at 102.108 72.898 180) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right))
    (uuid 34be82b2-1a6a-4bcd-bb95-0342a2067870)
  (hierarchical_label "FLOW_SENSE" (shape input) (at 215.392 95.758 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
    (uuid 3624ff04-1fdf-4d6c-b0da-c621299a1d33)
  (hierarchical_label "STM32_TX_OFF_BOARD" (shape output) (at 102.362 83.058 180) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right))
    (uuid 390ae00d-288a-4ca6-ae48-8fec46fb2ba3)
  (hierarchical_label "{slash}RELAY_OL" (shape input) (at 239.268 44.958 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
    (uuid 42a9c102-f626-41bb-b01c-8a04de60cd01)
  (hierarchical_label "{slash}RELAY_FLT" (shape input) (at 239.268 47.498 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
    (uuid 5f42eba8-7b94-4766-bf96-8a1af97a2c52)
  (hierarchical_label "HEATER_CTRL" (shape output) (at 239.522 55.118 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
    (uuid 6668240f-68d5-447e-b2da-d4fafaaaa076)
  (hierarchical_label "STM32_RX_OFF_BOARD" (shape input) (at 102.362 85.598 180) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right))
    (uuid 81cf4d90-a12f-4387-8cbc-91232cc81dc0)
  (hierarchical_label "THERMISTOR1" (shape input) (at 39.116 57.658 180) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right))
    (uuid 84228604-b832-46e2-bfd3-41bdc21bf74d)
  (hierarchical_label "ADC_COMPRESSOR_CURRENT" (shape input) (at 41.148 75.438 180) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right))
    (uuid 8a9754ec-adeb-4838-ada8-4dd123f465cf)
  (hierarchical_label "BUTTON_MUX2" (shape input) (at 215.392 88.138 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
    (uuid 8b155085-0098-44f2-a4f9-b83465a18ac2)
  (hierarchical_label "THERMISTOR3" (shape input) (at 39.116 62.738 180) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right))
    (uuid 9765193b-d58b-444e-b67a-083e3815aa69)
  (hierarchical_label "SPARE_CTRL" (shape output) (at 239.268 42.418 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
    (uuid 99efb806-b7d9-42e4-8029-4fdbaca23433)
  (hierarchical_label "STM32_RST" (shape input) (at 95.25 44.958 180) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right))
    (uuid a6239bf5-784d-4586-9471-f81978ec6c9d)
  (hierarchical_label "I2C_SCL" (shape output) (at 239.522 62.738 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
    (uuid ba247820-4d2d-447a-a119-f2b01294c851)
  (hierarchical_label "BUZZER_CTRL" (shape output) (at 128.27 50.038 180) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right))
    (uuid c0801954-01fb-4af1-820a-cb09f7f64b99)
  (hierarchical_label "I2C_SDA" (shape bidirectional) (at 239.522 60.198 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
    (uuid c3e38391-4a77-4cb3-aab4-19554e97229b)
  (hierarchical_label "STM32_RST" (shape input) (at 29.591 102.87 180) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right))
    (uuid c6fafa9d-c12d-49a2-83ff-330d2c90efd1)
  (hierarchical_label "BUTTON_MUX0" (shape input) (at 215.392 93.218 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
    (uuid caf0fc0c-dd5d-4a93-9e8b-08ec23a245d9)
  (hierarchical_label "ADC_PUMP_CURRENT" (shape input) (at 242.57 100.838 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
    (uuid d61697e1-5325-40db-96be-69fcb32a1ab4)
  (hierarchical_label "COMPRESSOR_CTRL" (shape output) (at 239.522 52.578 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
    (uuid d8f40e2c-0559-4152-9666-ed92a8f5cfd0)
  (hierarchical_label "LED_CTRL" (shape output) (at 215.392 85.598 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
    (uuid db3a4865-5c16-4ee8-80a0-2480b972bc0c)
  (hierarchical_label "THERMISTOR2" (shape input) (at 39.116 60.198 180) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right))
    (uuid db610feb-397f-4d3e-b645-774afd8d6d8b)
  (hierarchical_label "OZONE_CTRL" (shape output) (at 238.76 34.798 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
    (uuid dfd73f88-70c7-440c-9b9f-262ff9170262)
  (hierarchical_label "BUTTON_MUX1" (shape input) (at 215.392 90.678 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
    (uuid e1c3a0d8-a501-485e-a831-74bfcd297cce)
  (hierarchical_label "ZERO_CROSS" (shape input) (at 239.522 57.658 0) (fields_autoplaced)
    (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
    (uuid faef27bb-8231-494a-90af-845916150638)

  (symbol (lib_id "Connector:TestPoint") (at 227.203 148.59 180) (unit 1)
    (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no)
    (uuid 017d1e2e-cb1b-43d2-9679-5160b526e38a)
    (property "Reference" "TP1" (at 224.663 154.305 0)
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/d10c8a7b-f5f5-4719-9c4f-51ab8867be31"
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
          (reference "#PWR074") (unit 1)

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          (reference "R76") (unit 1)

  (symbol (lib_id "Device:C_Small") (at 218.948 28.956 0) (unit 1)
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/d10c8a7b-f5f5-4719-9c4f-51ab8867be31"
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          (reference "#PWR077") (unit 1)

  (symbol (lib_id "Device:Crystal_GND24") (at 43.18 173.99 90) (unit 1)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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          (reference "#PWR0132") (unit 1)

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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/d10c8a7b-f5f5-4719-9c4f-51ab8867be31"
          (reference "#PWR024") (unit 1)
        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
          (reference "#PWR081") (unit 1)

  (symbol (lib_id "power:GND") (at 256.032 43.688 0) (unit 1)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/d10c8a7b-f5f5-4719-9c4f-51ab8867be31"
          (reference "#PWR025") (unit 1)
        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
          (reference "#PWR082") (unit 1)

  (symbol (lib_id "power:GND") (at 60.198 69.088 0) (unit 1)
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/d10c8a7b-f5f5-4719-9c4f-51ab8867be31"
          (reference "#PWR025") (unit 1)
        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
          (reference "#PWR0110") (unit 1)

  (symbol (lib_id "power:+5V") (at 51.816 116.84 270) (mirror x) (unit 1)
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          (reference "#PWR0102") (unit 1)

  (symbol (lib_id "power:GND") (at 48.26 173.99 90) (unit 1)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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          (reference "#PWR0133") (unit 1)
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          (reference "#PWR068") (unit 1)

  (symbol (lib_id "Device:R_Small") (at 71.374 46.482 0) (mirror y) (unit 1)
    (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/d10c8a7b-f5f5-4719-9c4f-51ab8867be31"
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/d10c8a7b-f5f5-4719-9c4f-51ab8867be31"
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
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  (symbol (lib_id "Device:Crystal") (at 43.815 151.765 0) (unit 1)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
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  (symbol (lib_id "Connector:TestPoint") (at 83.82 176.53 90) (mirror x) (unit 1)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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      (project "ColdPlungeMain"
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
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  (symbol (lib_id "Device:C_Small") (at 70.866 66.548 180) (unit 1)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/d10c8a7b-f5f5-4719-9c4f-51ab8867be31"
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/d10c8a7b-f5f5-4719-9c4f-51ab8867be31"
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
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  (symbol (lib_id "power:+3.3V") (at 124.968 22.606 0) (unit 1)
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/d10c8a7b-f5f5-4719-9c4f-51ab8867be31"
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
          (reference "#PWR092") (unit 1)

  (symbol (lib_id "power:GND") (at 81.788 65.278 270) (unit 1)
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/d10c8a7b-f5f5-4719-9c4f-51ab8867be31"
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
          (reference "#PWR079") (unit 1)

  (symbol (lib_id "power:+3.3V") (at 99.568 39.878 0) (unit 1)
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/d10c8a7b-f5f5-4719-9c4f-51ab8867be31"
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
          (reference "#PWR085") (unit 1)

  (symbol (lib_id "Device:C_Small") (at 110.998 98.298 180) (unit 1)
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/d10c8a7b-f5f5-4719-9c4f-51ab8867be31"
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
          (reference "#PWR069") (unit 1)

  (symbol (lib_id "Device:C_Small") (at 52.705 156.21 0) (mirror x) (unit 1)
    (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no)
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          (reference "C32") (unit 1)

  (symbol (lib_id "Device:C_Small") (at 124.968 25.146 0) (unit 1)
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/d10c8a7b-f5f5-4719-9c4f-51ab8867be31"
          (reference "#PWR024") (unit 1)
        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
          (reference "#PWR095") (unit 1)

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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
          (reference "R90") (unit 1)

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    (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no) (fields_autoplaced)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/d10c8a7b-f5f5-4719-9c4f-51ab8867be31"
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
          (reference "#PWR0111") (unit 1)

  (symbol (lib_id "power:GND") (at 226.568 32.258 90) (unit 1)
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/d10c8a7b-f5f5-4719-9c4f-51ab8867be31"
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
          (reference "#PWR075") (unit 1)

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          (reference "#PWR087") (unit 1)

  (symbol (lib_id "power:+3.3V") (at 103.378 100.838 90) (unit 1)
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/d10c8a7b-f5f5-4719-9c4f-51ab8867be31"
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
          (reference "#PWR0131") (unit 1)

  (symbol (lib_id "power:+3.3V") (at 241.808 67.818 270) (unit 1)
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          (reference "#PWR020") (unit 1)
        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/d10c8a7b-f5f5-4719-9c4f-51ab8867be31"
          (reference "#PWR024") (unit 1)
        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
          (reference "#PWR076") (unit 1)

  (symbol (lib_id "Device:R_Small") (at 259.08 139.573 0) (unit 1)
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
          (reference "R54") (unit 1)

  (symbol (lib_id "Connector:TestPoint") (at 83.439 144.018 90) (mirror x) (unit 1)
    (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no)
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
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          (reference "#PWR084") (unit 1)

  (symbol (lib_id "Device:C_Small") (at 49.276 66.548 180) (unit 1)
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/d10c8a7b-f5f5-4719-9c4f-51ab8867be31"
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
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  (symbol (lib_id "Device:R_Small") (at 46.355 179.705 90) (unit 1)
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          (reference "R53") (unit 1)

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          (reference "#PWR0120") (unit 1)

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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/d10c8a7b-f5f5-4719-9c4f-51ab8867be31"
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          (reference "#PWR078") (unit 1)

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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
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          (reference "#PWR067") (unit 1)

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          (reference "#PWR0130") (unit 1)

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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
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  (symbol (lib_id "Connector:TestPoint") (at 27.051 106.68 90) (mirror x) (unit 1)
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
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      (project "ColdPlungeMain"
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/d10c8a7b-f5f5-4719-9c4f-51ab8867be31"
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          (reference "#PWR062") (unit 1)

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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
          (reference "R56") (unit 1)

  (symbol (lib_id "Device:R_Small") (at 43.815 140.97 270) (mirror x) (unit 1)
    (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no)
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        (path "/842dfbb9-dec3-40a1-b0bd-681426155bed"
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          (reference "R69") (unit 1)

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        (path "/842dfbb9-dec3-40a1-b0bd-681426155bed"
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          (reference "R36") (unit 1)

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    (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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          (reference "J14") (unit 1)

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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
          (reference "R82") (unit 1)

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    (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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          (reference "#PWR099") (unit 1)

  (symbol (lib_id "power:+3.3V") (at 264.16 121.158 0) (unit 1)
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/d10c8a7b-f5f5-4719-9c4f-51ab8867be31"
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
          (reference "#PWR071") (unit 1)

  (symbol (lib_id "Device:C_Small") (at 120.396 108.458 180) (unit 1)
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/d10c8a7b-f5f5-4719-9c4f-51ab8867be31"
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/d10c8a7b-f5f5-4719-9c4f-51ab8867be31"
          (reference "#PWR025") (unit 1)
        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
          (reference "#PWR096") (unit 1)

  (symbol (lib_id "power:GND") (at 96.139 152.908 0) (mirror y) (unit 1)
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          (reference "#PWR070") (unit 1)

  (symbol (lib_id "Device:C_Small") (at 120.65 98.298 180) (unit 1)
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
          (reference "C43") (unit 1)

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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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      (project "ChamberController"
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          (reference "#PWR0145") (unit 1)
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          (reference "#PWR073") (unit 1)

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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/9ebb2278-c9fd-404e-929f-68dff942fab9"
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
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  (symbol (lib_id "power:GND") (at 32.385 158.115 0) (mirror y) (unit 1)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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          (reference "#PWR0136") (unit 1)
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          (reference "#PWR066") (unit 1)

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    (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/d10c8a7b-f5f5-4719-9c4f-51ab8867be31"
          (reference "#PWR024") (unit 1)
        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
          (reference "#PWR072") (unit 1)

  (symbol (lib_id "Connector:TestPoint") (at 83.439 146.558 90) (mirror x) (unit 1)
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
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  (symbol (lib_id "power:+3.3V") (at 204.724 135.001 0) (unit 1)
    (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no)
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    (property "Reference" "#PWR0178" (at 204.724 138.811 0)
      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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          (reference "#PWR020") (unit 1)
        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/d10c8a7b-f5f5-4719-9c4f-51ab8867be31"
          (reference "#PWR024") (unit 1)
        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
          (reference "#PWR048") (unit 1)

  (symbol (lib_id "Connector:TestPoint") (at 259.08 151.638 180) (unit 1)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/9ebb2278-c9fd-404e-929f-68dff942fab9"
          (reference "TP1") (unit 1)
        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b"
          (reference "TP31") (unit 1)
        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
          (reference "TP54") (unit 1)

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    (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
          (reference "J8") (unit 1)

  (symbol (lib_id "power:GND") (at 103.378 95.758 270) (unit 1)
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          (reference "#PWR021") (unit 1)
        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/d10c8a7b-f5f5-4719-9c4f-51ab8867be31"
          (reference "#PWR025") (unit 1)
        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
          (reference "#PWR094") (unit 1)

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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/d10c8a7b-f5f5-4719-9c4f-51ab8867be31"
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/9ebb2278-c9fd-404e-929f-68dff942fab9"
          (reference "TP18") (unit 1)
        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
          (reference "TP50") (unit 1)

  (symbol (lib_id "Device:R_Small") (at 264.16 139.573 0) (unit 1)
    (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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        (path "/842dfbb9-dec3-40a1-b0bd-681426155bed"
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
          (reference "R55") (unit 1)

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    (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no) (fields_autoplaced)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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          (reference "#PWR064") (unit 1)

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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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          (reference "R52") (unit 1)

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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/d10c8a7b-f5f5-4719-9c4f-51ab8867be31"
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/d10c8a7b-f5f5-4719-9c4f-51ab8867be31"
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        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
          (reference "C57") (unit 1)

  (symbol (lib_id "Device:R_Small") (at 237.998 100.838 270) (mirror x) (unit 1)
    (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no)
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      (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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      (project "ColdPlungeMain"
        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
          (reference "R94") (unit 1)

  (symbol (lib_id "Device:C_Small") (at 40.64 168.91 90) (unit 1)
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        (path "/842dfbb9-dec3-40a1-b0bd-681426155bed"
          (reference "C14") (unit 1)
      (project "ColdPlungeMain"
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    (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no)
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      (project "ColdPlungeMain"
        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/9ebb2278-c9fd-404e-929f-68dff942fab9"
          (reference "#PWR020") (unit 1)
        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/d10c8a7b-f5f5-4719-9c4f-51ab8867be31"
          (reference "#PWR024") (unit 1)
        (path "/ea60e89c-6f86-497f-98fb-0a134b163b2b/7a2cfc6e-f0ff-42df-b30b-37a83af03fcb"
          (reference "#PWR024") (unit 1)