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			(at 220.98 113.03 0)
					(size 1.27 1.27)
				(hide yes)
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					(size 1.27 1.27)
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					(size 1.27 1.27)
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					(size 1.27 1.27)
				(hide yes)
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			(at 204.47 76.2 0)
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					(size 1.27 1.27)
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					(size 1.27 1.27)
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					(size 1.27 1.27)
				(hide yes)
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					(size 1.27 1.27)
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					(reference "#PWR056")
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			(at 243.5352 116.84 0)
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			(at 242.57 113.03 0)
					(size 1.27 1.27)
				(hide yes)
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			(at 242.57 113.03 0)
					(size 1.27 1.27)
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					(reference "C22")
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		(lib_id "Device:R")
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					(reference "#PWR040")
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